Taiwan government host an event “The 2022 International Green Party” in Taiwan. This event focused on promoting the concepts of farm-to-table, low-carbon diets, and environmental protection. It included a series of exciting activities such as cooking competitions, and green markets selling eco-friendly products.
During my employment at AGT Green Technology., Ltd., I was responsible for making short promotional videos for the company’s eco-friendly tableware products, as well as designing exhibition posters.”
「2022 International Green Party國際健康綠色饗宴」由臺灣創意經濟產業發展協進會與中華國際會議展覽協會攜手主辦、臺北市政府指導贊助,此次活動以產地到餐桌、無、少添加飲食、綠色減碳輕食、環境保護為主軸,舉辦一系列的環保活動包含:國際健康減碳論壇、減碳環保料理決賽及綠色饗宴市集攤位展售。